Tuesday 28 January 2014

Sunday 26 January 2014

The Complete Charlotte Corday [to date]

London Calling [Timebomb]

Squadron of the Screaming Damned [Timebomb]

The Iron Moon [PrintMedia]

To be published;

Buzz-Bomb Follies of 1569 [ 50pp b/w]

In which we learn of Queen Elisabeth the First's enthusiasm for the Wild West, how Charlotte helped tofoil the Vampiroid invasion and how the London Bus Pirates once menaced the streets

Seven Dials  [49pp b/w]

In which Charlotte plays two roles in the true stories of Spring Heel'd Jack and Alice in Wonderland. And how Charles Dickens was involved in the construction of the first Tube line.

Plunger's Last Case  [101pp b/w]

In which Charlotte appears somewhat bewildered in the 1970's. The usual sort of thing, including a secret government plot, a huge floating city and the Great God Fantog.Plunger's last case is a pretty spectacular one.

And what next? Well, we have ideas for Charlotte 's visit to Mars in a Dan Dare style colour story.
And a Charlotte Corday Handbook/ Annual....

Thursday 16 January 2014

Miracle at Mons

Now on sale.Despite what you may read on the Commando site, the cover is of course by Ian Kennedy.

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Gallipoli 1915

From the fourth issue of Commando Great Warriors, 'Anzac Cove'.The first issue if the series is due to be published this week.

Tuesday 7 January 2014

The Many Charlotte Cordays

Supplementary artwork to go with 'Plunger's Last Case', which at p74 is now nearly completed

Saturday 4 January 2014

Great Warriors

This special series about the 14-18 war starts publication in mid-January